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Walkthrough: Subject Reduction

In this walkthrough you will learn how to state and prove theorems using Adelfa. You can follow along using the specification file stlc.lf and theorem development stlc.ath.

Canonical LF Specification

The following Canonical LF signature will encode typing and evaluation in the simply typed λ-calculus and form the basis for our reasoning.

ty : type.
arr : {T:ty}{U:ty} ty.

tm : type.
app : {E1:tm}{E2:tm} tm.
abs : {T:ty}{R:{x:tm}tm} tm.

of : {E:tm}{T:ty}type.
of_app : {M:tm}{N:tm}{T:ty}{U:ty}
           {a1:of M (arr U T)} {a2:of N U}
           of (app M N) T.
of_abs : {R : {x:tm} tm}{T:ty}{U:ty}
           {a1:({x:tm}{z:of x T} of (R x) U)}
           of (abs T ([x] R x)) (arr T U).

eval : {E1:tm}{E2:tm} type.
eval_abs : {R:{x:tm} tm}{T:ty}
             eval (abs T ([x] R x)) (abs T ([x] R x)).
eval_app : {M:tm}{N:tm}{V:tm}{R:{x:tm} tm}{T:ty}
             {a1:eval M (abs T ([x] R x))}{a2:eval (R N) V}
             eval (app M N) V.

The property we are interested in for this example is that of showing subject reduction.

Saving the above signature in a file 'stlc.lf` we load it into Adelfa using the following command.

 >> Specification "stlc.lf".


We state subject reduction in Adelfa by

>> Theorem sr_eval : forall E V T D1 D2,
                   {D1 : eval E V} => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}.

Subgoal sr_eval:

forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
  {D1 : eval E V} => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}

The formula states that whenever there exist inhabitants D1 and D2 of types eval E V and of E T respectively, then there must exist an inhabitant, D, exhibiting that V is also of type T.

We will prove this theorem by induction on the height of the derivation that E evaluates to V.

sr_eval >> induction on 1.

Subgoal sr_eval:

    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}

forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
  {D1 : eval E V}@ => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}

The next step is to introduce eigenvariables and context variables for any quantifiers and introduce the implications in the goal as hypotheses.

sr_eval >> intros.

Subgoal sr_eval:

Vars: D2:o, D1:o, T:o, V:o, E:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H1:{D1 : eval E V}@
H2:{D2 : of E T}

exists D, {D : of V T}

Now we perform case analysis on {D1 : eval E V}@ using the case tactic. This will split the proof into two branches based on the two possible ways in which E can evaluate to V. Each of the different proof branches is called a subgoal. In general, only the first subgoal will be displayed in full; the other subgoals will be shown without their hypotheses. When the first subgoal is completed, the prover will move to the next subgoal.

sr_eval >> case H1.

Subgoal sr_eval.1:

Vars: R:(o) -> o, T1:o, a1:o, a2:o, M:o, N:o, D2:o, T:o, V:o
Nominals: n:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H2:{D2 : of (app M N) T}
H3:{M : tm}*
H4:{N : tm}*
H5:{V : tm}*
H6:{n:tm |- R n : tm}*
H7:{T1 : ty}*
H8:{a1 : eval M (abs T1 ([x]R x))}*
H9:{a2 : eval (R N) V}*

exists D, {D : of V T}

Subgoal sr_eval.2 is:
 exists D, {D : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}

We now perform case analysis on the second hypothesis, {D2 : of (app M N) T}, to obtain derivations for the typing of both subterms M and N.

sr_eval.1>> case H2.

Subgoal sr_eval.1:

Vars: D3:o, D4:o, D5:o, R:(o) -> o, T1:o, a1:o, a2:o, M:o, N:o, T:o, V:o
Nominals: n:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H3:{M : tm}*
H4:{N : tm}*
H5:{V : tm}*
H6:{n:tm |- R n : tm}*
H7:{T1 : ty}*
H8:{a1 : eval M (abs T1 ([x]R x))}*
H9:{a2 : eval (R N) V}*
H10:{M : tm}
H11:{N : tm}
H12:{T : ty}
H13:{D3 : ty}
H14:{D4 : of M (arr D3 T)}
H15:{D5 : of N D3}

exists D, {D : of V T}

Subgoal sr_eval.2 is:
 exists D, {D : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}

We are now able to apply the inductive hypothesis with the assumptions H8 and H14.

sr_eval.1>> apply IH to H8 H14.

Subgoal sr_eval.1:

Vars: D:(o) -> o, D3:o, D4:o, D5:o, R:(o) -> o, T1:o, a1:o, a2:o, M:o, N:o, T
        :o, V:o
Nominals: n:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H3:{M : tm}*
H4:{N : tm}*
H5:{V : tm}*
H6:{n:tm |- R n : tm}*
H7:{T1 : ty}*
H8:{a1 : eval M (abs T1 ([x]R x))}*
H9:{a2 : eval (R N) V}*
H10:{M : tm}
H11:{N : tm}
H12:{T : ty}
H13:{D3 : ty}
H14:{D4 : of M (arr D3 T)}
H15:{D5 : of N D3}
H16:{D n : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) (arr D3 T)}

exists D, {D : of V T}

Subgoal sr_eval.2 is:
 exists D, {D : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}

We can now analyze the new assumption to obtain a typing judgement for R.

sr_eval.1>> case H16.

Subgoal sr_eval.1:

Vars: a3:(o) -> (o) -> (o) -> o, D3:o, D4:o, D5:o, R:(o) -> o, a1:o, a2:o, M:
        o, N:o, T:o, V:o
Nominals: n3:o, n2:o, n1:o, n:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H3:{M : tm}*
H4:{N : tm}*
H5:{V : tm}*
H6:{n:tm |- R n : tm}*
H7:{D3 : ty}*
H8:{a1 : eval M (abs D3 ([x]R x))}*
H9:{a2 : eval (R N) V}*
H10:{M : tm}
H11:{N : tm}
H12:{T : ty}
H13:{D3 : ty}
H14:{D4 : of M (arr D3 T)}
H15:{D5 : of N D3}
H17:{n1:tm |- R n1 : tm}
H18:{D3 : ty}
H19:{T : ty}
H20:{n2:tm, n3:of n2 D3 |- a3 n n2 n3 : of (R n2) T}

exists D, {D : of V T}

Subgoal sr_eval.2 is:
 exists D, {D : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}

The nominal constants in the hypothesis H20 are placeholders, and so can be instantiated by any particular terms of the appropriate type. In this instance, we want to replace n2 with N and n3 with D5.

sr_eval.1>> inst H20 with n2 = N.

Subgoal sr_eval.1:

Vars: a3:(o) -> (o) -> (o) -> o, D3:o, D4:o, D5:o, R:(o) -> o, a1:o, a2:o, M:
        o, N:o, T:o, V:o
Nominals: n3:o, n2:o, n1:o, n:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H3:{M : tm}*
H4:{N : tm}*
H5:{V : tm}*
H6:{n:tm |- R n : tm}*
H7:{D3 : ty}*
H8:{a1 : eval M (abs D3 ([x]R x))}*
H9:{a2 : eval (R N) V}*
H10:{M : tm}
H11:{N : tm}
H12:{T : ty}
H13:{D3 : ty}
H14:{D4 : of M (arr D3 T)}
H15:{D5 : of N D3}
H17:{n1:tm |- R n1 : tm}
H18:{D3 : ty}
H19:{T : ty}
H20:{n2:tm, n3:of n2 D3 |- a3 n n2 n3 : of (R n2) T}
H21:{n3:of N D3 |- a3 n N n3 : of (R N) T}

exists D, {D : of V T}

Subgoal sr_eval.2 is:
 exists D, {D : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}
sr_eval.1>> inst H21 with n3 = D5.

Subgoal sr_eval.1:

Vars: a3:(o) -> (o) -> (o) -> o, D3:o, D4:o, D5:o, R:(o) -> o, a1:o, a2:o, M:
        o, N:o, T:o, V:o
Nominals: n3:o, n2:o, n1:o, n:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H3:{M : tm}*
H4:{N : tm}*
H5:{V : tm}*
H6:{n:tm |- R n : tm}*
H7:{D3 : ty}*
H8:{a1 : eval M (abs D3 ([x]R x))}*
H9:{a2 : eval (R N) V}*
H10:{M : tm}
H11:{N : tm}
H12:{T : ty}
H13:{D3 : ty}
H14:{D4 : of M (arr D3 T)}
H15:{D5 : of N D3}
H17:{n1:tm |- R n1 : tm}
H18:{D3 : ty}
H19:{T : ty}
H20:{n2:tm, n3:of n2 D3 |- a3 n n2 n3 : of (R n2) T}
H21:{n3:of N D3 |- a3 n N n3 : of (R N) T}
H22:{a3 n N D5 : of (R N) T}

exists D, {D : of V T}

Subgoal sr_eval.2 is:
 exists D, {D : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}

We are now able to apply the inductive hypothesis with (R N) to obtain a typing derivation for V.

sr_eval.1>> apply IH to H9 H22.

Subgoal sr_eval.1:

Vars: a3:(o) -> (o) -> (o) -> o, D:(o) -> (o) -> (o) -> (o) -> o, D3:o, D4:o,
        D5:o, R:(o) -> o, a1:o, a2:o, M:o, N:o, T:o, V:o
Nominals: n3:o, n2:o, n1:o, n:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H3:{M : tm}*
H4:{N : tm}*
H5:{V : tm}*
H6:{n:tm |- R n : tm}*
H7:{D3 : ty}*
H8:{a1 : eval M (abs D3 ([x]R x))}*
H9:{a2 : eval (R N) V}*
H10:{M : tm}
H11:{N : tm}
H12:{T : ty}
H13:{D3 : ty}
H14:{D4 : of M (arr D3 T)}
H15:{D5 : of N D3}
H17:{n1:tm |- R n1 : tm}
H18:{D3 : ty}
H19:{T : ty}
H20:{n2:tm, n3:of n2 D3 |- a3 n n2 n3 : of (R n2) T}
H21:{n3:of N D3 |- a3 n N n3 : of (R N) T}
H22:{a3 n N D5 : of (R N) T}
H23:{D n3 n2 n1 n : of V T}

exists D, {D : of V T}

Subgoal sr_eval.2 is:
 exists D, {D : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}

We now instantiate D in the goal formula with the term (D n3 n2 n1 n) for which we now have an appropriate typing derivation in the premises.

sr_eval.1>> exists (D n3 n2 n1 n).

Subgoal sr_eval.1:

Vars: a3:(o) -> (o) -> (o) -> o, D:(o) -> (o) -> (o) -> (o) -> o, D3:o, D4:o,
        D5:o, R:(o) -> o, a1:o, a2:o, M:o, N:o, T:o, V:o
Nominals: n3:o, n2:o, n1:o, n:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H3:{M : tm}*
H4:{N : tm}*
H5:{V : tm}*
H6:{n:tm |- R n : tm}*
H7:{D3 : ty}*
H8:{a1 : eval M (abs D3 ([x]R x))}*
H9:{a2 : eval (R N) V}*
H10:{M : tm}
H11:{N : tm}
H12:{T : ty}
H13:{D3 : ty}
H14:{D4 : of M (arr D3 T)}
H15:{D5 : of N D3}
H17:{n1:tm |- R n1 : tm}
H18:{D3 : ty}
H19:{T : ty}
H20:{n2:tm, n3:of n2 D3 |- a3 n n2 n3 : of (R n2) T}
H21:{n3:of N D3 |- a3 n N n3 : of (R N) T}
H22:{a3 n N D5 : of (R N) T}
H23:{D n3 n2 n1 n : of V T}

{D n3 n2 n1 n : of V T}

Subgoal sr_eval.2 is:
 exists D, {D : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}

Adelfa is now able to complete the proof by identifying the goal formula with the identical assumption formula H23. This completes the subgoal, and Adelfa moves to the next subgoal.

sr_eval.1>> search.

Subgoal sr_eval.2:

Vars: T1:o, R:(o) -> o, D2:o, T:o
Nominals: n:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H2:{D2 : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}
H3:{n:tm |- R n : tm}*
H4:{T1 : ty}*

exists D, {D : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}

This subgoal corresponds to when the term E is an abstraction and so evaluates to itself. The proof in this case will simply instantiate the D in the goal formula with D2 which we know is typable at the indicated type by the second assumption formula. An application of the search tactic will complete the proof.

sr_eval.2>> exists D2.

Subgoal sr_eval.2:

Vars: T1:o, R:(o) -> o, D2:o, T:o
Nominals: n:o
    forall E, forall V, forall T, forall D1, forall D2,
      {D1 : eval E V}* => {D2 : of E T} => exists D, {D : of V T}
H2:{D2 : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}
H3:{n:tm |- R n : tm}*
H4:{T1 : ty}*

{D2 : of (abs T1 ([x]R x)) T}
sr_eval.2>> search.
Proof Completed!